925-999-0117 support@safe2play.net

Playground Safety Inspection Checklist

Get your free playground safety inspection checklist from certified playground inspectors.

A quick guide to keep your playground equipment and surfacing safe,with an easy downloadable pdf.

Playground Safety Inspection Checklist

As part of the standards in California you must periodically inspect your playground and document it.   All playground areas and equipment should be inspected for excessive wear, deterioration and potential hazards. Some manufactures supply playground checklists for general or detailed inspections with maintenance guidelines. These can be used to ensure inspections are compliant with the manufactures specifications.

If you don’t have a playground safety checklist we have provided one for you that covers the surfacing and equipment. This playground inspection checklist is only a guide for frequent inspections.  A trained licensed professional should inspect your playground before it’s open to the public and periodically when the organization see a need.  Remember the playground safety inspection checklist form is only going to cover general maintenance concerns.  Detailed playground inspections should give special attention to moving parts and other wear items like chains. Maintenance inspections should be carried out in a systematic manner by someone familiar with the playground.

How often to inspect?

The question on how often the playground should be inspected is something we hear all the time at SAFE 2 PLAY.  A maintenance schedule should be developed using two criteria:

  • The manufactures information
  • Actual or anticipated playground use

Frequently used playgrounds will require more frequent inspections and maintenance.

After the playground inspection

Inspections alone do not constitute a comprehensive maintenance program, you need to take action.  Any problem found during the inspection should be noted and fixed as soon as possible to limit your liability.

Things to remember when doing repairs: All repairs and replacement of parts should be completed following the manufacturer’s instructions. Anything that has been modified without consent from the manufacture should be revised and put back into the original conditions (Example:  remove any hardware or ropes not provided by the manufacture).

Safety surfacing

Remember that most of your accidents on the playground are going to be from falls and your safety surface must be maintained.  Loose-fill surfacing materials require special maintenance. High-use playgrounds should be checked frequently to ensure surfacing has not displaced significantly from under swings and climbers or at the end of slides.  To maintain a constant depth under and around your equipment a marker can be placed on the support posts.  Impact attenuating mats placed in high traffic areas, such as under swings and at slide exits can significantly reduce displacement.  The mat should be installed below or level with surfacing so as not to create a trip hazard.

When was the last time your district had the playgrounds inspected by a third party?

Let us help you remove liability from your organization. Playground safety is the focus of our business at SAFE 2 PLAY – Certified Matters.

Playground services we provide:

  1. Free Playground inspection checklist, Click here. 20 areas to inspect, one page.
  2. Certified playground safety inspections/audits using ASTM and CPSC standards.
  3. The installation of the additional (new) required warning labels – ASTM 1487 14.3.3.
  4. New! Surface Testing with the Triax 2015 to determine the G-Max and HIC.
  5. New! Sports Field Testing with the “A” Missile; determine G-Max (G-force) and infill measurements.
  6. Training with school staff to maintain your playgrounds within California regulations

As a certified playground safety inspector (CPSI), I have inspected hundreds of playgrounds and help make them safer one at a time. With over 25 years of experience consulting with organizations of all sizes, I strive to provide excellence in service. Let’s work together and be proactive in making your playgrounds safer.

I welcome your call or email to answer any questions and to schedule your playground inspection.

Warm regards,

Craig Faitel 925–999–0117 – President of SAFE 2 PLAY – Certified Matters

Certified National Safety Inspector License # 24607–0717
